The Showstopper Hand Tied Bouquet


WOW what can we say about this hand tied bouquet! The Showstopper hand tied bouquet is a gift option for those who really want to splash out and completely indulge that special someone. It is a fully round bouquet including seasonal British grown blooms and foliage, the same as the Intimate and Sumptuous bouquets, but on a much grander scale. This bouquet will hold at least 40 of the finest stems. It is presented in a paper wrapping, in a flower gift bag, with satin ribbons. It also includes a carefully designed handmade message label.

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WOW what can we say about this hand tied bouquet! The Showstopper hand tied bouquet is a gift option for those who really want to splash out and completely indulge that special someone. It is a fully round bouquet including seasonal British grown blooms and foliage, the same as the Intimate and Sumptuous bouquets, but on a much grander scale. This bouquet will hold at least 40 of the finest stems. It is presented in a paper wrapping, in a flower gift bag, with satin ribbons. It also includes a carefully designed handmade message label.

WOW what can we say about this hand tied bouquet! The Showstopper hand tied bouquet is a gift option for those who really want to splash out and completely indulge that special someone. It is a fully round bouquet including seasonal British grown blooms and foliage, the same as the Intimate and Sumptuous bouquets, but on a much grander scale. This bouquet will hold at least 40 of the finest stems. It is presented in a paper wrapping, in a flower gift bag, with satin ribbons. It also includes a carefully designed handmade message label.

Please note the images used on this website are for representation only. All floral designs are florist choice and based on seasonally available flowers and foliage. This does not apply to bespoke orders that have been pre-planned with your flower artist.

The Sumptuous Hand Tied Bouquet
The Intimate Hand Tied Bouquet